Nissim, istorian, journalist and writer, he has realized numerous documentaries about the Righteous and the events relating to the Jews in the Eastern European Countries for the tv networks of the Italian-speaking areas of Switzerland and Canale 5.
He has worked for magazines Panorama, il Mondo and dailies Il Giornale and Corriere della Sera. With Mondadori he published, among other things, Ebrei invisibili, [Invisible Jews] (1995), L'uomo che fermò Hitler, [The man who stopped Hitler] (1998), Il tribunale del bene, [The tribunal of Good] (2003), Storie di uomini giusti nel GULag [Tales of Righteous people in the GULag] (2004) and Una bambina contro Stalin, [A little girl against Stalin]. In 2011 he published La Bontà insensata [Senseless Goodness]. In 2001 Gabriele Nissim founded the Gardens of the Righteous Committee, of which he is the Chairman. The Committee is an international organization that promotes the memory of the Righteous and following the example set by Yad Vashem has created several gardens of the Righteous such as in Bosnia and Armenia. It is currently creating one in Rwanda, as well. In Milan Gabriele Nissim created the Garden of the Righteous Worldwide together with the City Hall and the Union of the Italian Jewish Communities. He also accomplished the WeFor project approved by the European Union, which presents visitors and school communities with virtual and real Gardens of the Righteous of the various EU Countries. For his commitment on the Righteous subject he received numerous International recognitions among which the special Mention of the Bulgarian Parliament for his work about Dimitar Peshev and, in 2003, the critics prize "Ilaria Alpi" for his tv documentary Il giudice dei Giusti [The Judge of the Righteous]. In 2007 he received the special Mention of the Lombardy region for his activity for peace and about the Righteous. He has been the key figure in promoting the establishment of a European Day of the Righteous, which was approved by the European Parliament on 10 May 2012. It will take place yearly on 6 March to remember all men and women who have stood up against totalitarianism and genocides. |
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