Statutes of the Dimitar Peshev Foundation Chapter One - GENERAL PROVISIONS Article 1. 1. The Dimitar Peshev Foundation, referred to as Foundation below for the sake of brevity, is a voluntary non-political organization of individuals and juridical entities, which unites the shared objectives of its founders and contributes to the attaining of the aims and objectives defined in the present Statutes. 2. The Foundation has been established as a non-profit juridical entity under Section III, Article 149, etc. of the Persons and Family Act. 3. The Foundation is established for an unlimited period of time. 3. The Foundation has its own logo and seal. Chapter Two - NAME, SEAT AND ADDRESS OF THE FOUNDATION Article 2. 1. The name of the Foundation is Äèìèòúð Ïåøåâ, spelled in English as Dimitar Peshev. 2. The seat of the Foundation is in the City of Sofia, Sredets district, 2 Narodno Sabranie Square. 3. The Foundation's name, its seat and the address of its governing body, as well as the seal, shall be placed on all its publications. Chapter Three - AIMS AND OBJECTIVES Article 3. 1. The principal aims of the Foundation are: To popularize the merits of Dimitar Peshev for the saving of the Bulgarian Jews during World War II among the Bulgarian public and the international community. To found and to confer an annual award bearing the name of Dimitar Peshev for merits in the struggle against genocide, for human rights and against ethnic intolerance. To assist research on the role of Dimitar Peshev and of other Bulgarian politicians and public figures for the saving of the Bulgarian Jews, and to organize the publication of such studies. To assist studies which acquaint young people in Bulgaria with the fate of the victims of totalitarian rule in labour and concentration camps. To familiarize young people in Bulgaria with the traditions of the Bulgarian nation concerning the coexistence between the ethnic communities. To assist in establishing contacts and cooperation with international organizations which have declared as their main objective to popularize the merits of concrete individuals in the struggle against genocide. Article 4. 1. The Foundation attains its objectives by developing the following activities: a) The Speaker of the National Assembly confers the Dimitar Peshev Annual Award in the building of the Bulgarian Parliament; b) The Foundation organizes exhibitions, round table discussions, conferences, seminars and meetings on issues related to ethnic tolerance; c) The Foundation organizes various events and forums for publicizing the Bulgarian experience in the sphere of ethnic tolerance; d) The Foundation develops joint programmes with related local, foreign and international governmental and non-governmental organizations. 2. The activities of the Foundation and the dispensing of its financial resources cannot be linked to political platforms that would involve the Foundation in election campaigns or in any propaganda and canvassing in favour of any political party. Chapter Four - FOUNDERS AND DONORS Article 5. 1. The founders of the Foundation may be local or foreign individuals or juridical bodies who voluntarily provide material assistance, work and contribute to attaining the goals of the Foundation. 2. The donors may be local or foreign individuals or juridical bodies who voluntarily assist the Foundation within the frameworks of its goals and in accordance with the present Statutes. 3. Donors may restrict their donation within the frameworks of a concrete goal or programme of the Foundation, 4. Honorary members of the Foundation may be eminent Bulgarian or foreign individuals. Chapter Five - GOVERNING BODIES OF THE FOUNDATION Article 6. 1. The governing bodies of the Foundation are: the Board of Donors, the Managing Board and the Supervisory Board. Article 7. 1. The Board of Donors consists of the individuals who have signed the constituent deed or Statutes of the Foundation and subsequently of all individuals who have made a donation for attaining the goals of the Foundation. 2. The Board of Donors is a high governing body. 3. The Board of Donors: a) adopts and amends the present Statutes; b) elects and dismisses the members of the Managing Board and of the Supervisory Board. c) examines and endorses the Foundation's budget; d) adopts the regulations for the operation of the Foundation, its annual plans, programmes and reports concerning the activities of the Foundation; e) elects honorary members of the Foundation, proposed by no less than three of its founding members; 4. Decisions on items a), b) and c) shall be taken by 2/3 of the members present. 5. The elected honorary members do not participate in the governing bodies of the Foundation. 6. The Board of Donors meets at least three times per year. 7. The date of its meeting is determined by the Managing Board and the invitation for the meeting should be sent by the Chairman no less than seven days prior to the meeting. The invitation must indicate the date, hour, agenda and draft-decisions on the agenda. 8. When the Managing Board does not convene the Board of Donors, no less than half of the founding members have the right to convene a meeting of the Board. Article 8. 1. The Managing Board is the executive body of the Foundation. 2. The Managing Board consists of five individuals, all of whom are members of the Board of Donors. 3. The Managing Board is elected for a 3-year term of office for not more than two successive mandates. Elections for this body are held no less than 30 days prior to the end of the term of office of the Managing Board. 4. The Chairperson of the Managing Board is elected from among the members of the newly-elected Managing Board at the same meeting at which the Board is elected. 5. At its first meeting the Managing Board elects its Executive Director. 6. The Managing Board: a) drafts the regulations for the Foundation's operations, the annual plans, programmes and reports of the Foundation; b) prepares the Foundation's budget; c) examines and accepts donations, entering them in a special register; d) organizes regular meetings of the Board of Donors; The Managing Board reports its activities before the Board of Donors. 7. The Managing Board gathers once a month for open meetings which other members of the Board of Donors are entitled to attend without voting rights. 8. Decisions shall be made with a simple majority of 1/2 of those present. In cases when this is necessitated by important reasons, the Managing Board may adopt decisions in the absence of some members, after consultations. The decision thus adopted must be presented in writing and signed by all members at the next meeting of the Managing Board. If the minority decision is not followed by ratification, the individuals who have made the original decision shall bear the responsibility for its consequences. Article 9. 1. The Supervisory Board is the internal controlling body of the Foundation. 2. It is elected from among the members of the Board of Donors, at the same meeting at which the Managing Board is elected. The Supervisory Board consists of 5 members. 4. The Supervisory Board: a) controls the donations received, the spending of donated sums, as well as the property of the Foundation; b) controls the regular keeping of the Book of Donors and guarantees the fulfilling of the donors' will; c) checks the implementation of the decisions of the Managing Board. 5. The Supervisory Board is accountable before the Board of Donors. 6. The Supervisory Board has the right to convene an emergency meeting of the Managing Board and of the Board of Donors, if its control has revealed wrongdoing; 7. The Supervisory Board inspects periodically the activities of the Managing Board and organizes at least one audit annually of the entire activities of the Foundation. 8. The decisions of the Supervisory Board are made with 2/3 of those attending the meeting. Chapter Six - FINANCING AND PROPERTY Article 10. 1. The financial resources needed for attaining the goals of the Foundation are raised by means of: a) donations, bequests; b) income from revenues from activities and from the property of the Foundation; c) other revenues and activities in compliance with the provisions of the law. 2. The donations and bequests made are entered in a special book for donations. 3. The object of a donation, including in the form of a bequest, may consist of cash, material and other property rights, in compliance with the current legislation. 4. The Foundation may refuse to accept donations or bequests imposing conditions that are unacceptable to the Foundation, and/or contradictory to its goals and to the provisions of its Statutes. 5. The costs for the management of the Foundation shall be covered by its revenues. 6. Subject to written agreement with the donors, a part of the donations may remain at the disposal of the Foundation for covering its management costs. In that case the share of the donation spent by the Managing Board may not exceed 10 per cent of the total value of the donation. Chapter Seven - REPRESENTATION Article 11. 1. The Chairman of the Managing Board and the Executive Director represent the Foundation jointly and individually before third parties. 2. The Chairman of the Managing Board: a) organizes the implementation of the decisions of the Managing Board; b) chairs and guides the activities of the Managing Board; c) signs the decisions and the proposals of the Managing Board; d) concludes contracts with third parties entailing obligations for the Foundation and manages the Foundation's property in accordance with the present Statutes and the decisions of the Managing Board; f) performs other functions, delegated to it by the Managing Board. 3. The Executive Director assumes the prerogatives of the Chairman in the absence of the latter. Chapter Eight - TERMINATION Article 12. 1. Personal participation in the Board of Donors shall be terminated in the following cases: a) after a request in writing, submitted to the Managing Board; b) in the case of incapacity; c) in the case of death. 2. The activities of the Foundation shall be terminated: a) subject to the unanimous decision of the Board of Donors; b) subject to court ruling under Article 153 of the Persons and Family Act. 3. Upon termination of the activities of the Foundation, its property shall be transferred to the Ministry of Finance. Chapter Nine - FINAL PROVISIONS Article 13. 1. The present Statutes shall enter into force immediately after adoption by the Board of Donors, consisting of the founding members. 2. The first composition of the Board of Donors comprises the individuals who have signed the donor's deed, by virtue of which they have made their donation and have accepted the present Statutes. At the first regular meeting of the Board of Donors, its members shall elect the first governing bodies of the Foundation. |
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